Ride With Us!

Ride With Us!

The Ride for Refuge is happening on October 1, 2022, starting at 3pm!
We’d love you to join Elevation in biking or walking, and raising funds to support many great organizations across our region, as well as the work of our Journey Team.
To sign up to ride with us, simply go here!

Sunday Morning Gatherings

Sunday Morning Gatherings

We welcome you to join us Sunday mornings at 9am, as we gather together in-person at 22 Willow St. Waterloo (also home to Trillium Lutheran Church). 

Our Sunday morning gatherings typically include a time of worship through song, prayer, sharing in communion, scripture reading and a short sermon. Following our time in the Sanctuary, we then have an opportunity to gather around tables in the gym for a time of discussion with one another around the morning’s theme. Children up to grade 5 are dismissed part way through the service and can be picked up from their classrooms after the discussion time at 10:30am.

Over the summer months, we will be moving our gatherings outside for the long weekends (July 3rd, July 31st and September 4th). Stay tuned for details around location and times.



A Few Notes About Our In-Person Services:

COVID Protocols:

Many of the provincial and regional COVID protocols and guidelines have been lifted, as well as Trillium’s policies around these restrictions. In following these guidelines, we will be moving forward with these practices in place:

  1. Masks
    Although masks are no longer mandatory indoors, we continue to encourage the wearing of masks during this time. We want to create an environment that feels as safe and comfortable as possible for everyone as we navigate this transition. We encourage those 5 and older to continue to wear masks indoors. Thank you!
  2. Screening and Registration
    There will be no mandatory registration or screening process at the door. However, we would ask as we move forward with in-person gatherings, that we all monitor our own health and opt to stay home if we are showing COVID symptoms, in order to protect those who may be more vulnerable among us. If you ever have questions around whether or not you should join in person, please refer to the Ontario School Screening tool to guide your decision.
  3. Sanitizing
    We will continue to have sanitizing stations around the building and encourage community members to sanitize their hands upon entry of the building.
    Sanitizing wipes will also be available in the washrooms for those who would like to wipe down surfaces before or after using the space.
  4. Vaccination Requirement
    Both Trillium and the provincial/regional guidelines have lifted the requirement for vaccination. Therefore, we will not be requiring proof of vaccination to enter or participate in our gatherings.
  5. Capacity Limits and Distancing
    The capacity limits and distancing requirements have also been lifted. At this point we are not required to rope off pews to provide for distancing. However, knowing that some of our community members would continue to feel more comfortable maintaining distance, we will have a section of the Sanctuary where the pews will be roped off to allow for distancing.

*Please note that these practices are based on the current provincial and regional guidelines, and are subject to change should those guidelines shift again in the coming weeks or months. 

Kids’ Programming:

We know that KidsQuest is an important part of our return to in-person gathering at 22 Willow. Beginning Sunday May 1st, our kids programming will be in full swing! We’ll be dismissing our kids (up to grade 5) to their KidsQuest program in the second half of the service and parents can pick them up at the end of discussion groups. The nursery will also be open and staffed during this time. We are continuing to encourage our kids (5+) to wear masks indoors during the KidsQuest programming, especially as it will be difficult to ensure physical distancing in these spaces. Parents, although a formal COVID screening will not happen for KidsQuest, we ask you to monitor your children for any symptoms of covid-19 and thank you for keeping them out of programming if they are showing symptoms. We look forward to connecting with some of our youngest Elevation members again!

Sunday Morning Gatherings

Transition to In-Person Worship Gatherings

Update: May 2022


Over the months of March and April, we have walked through a transition away from our Sunday morning online services on YouTube as we have known them over the past two years, and towards in-person services at 22 Willow. While the results of our community survey around this show that most of our community members are ready for this transition, we do recognize that there are members of our community who will be impacted by the ending of our Sunday morning virtual services. There are some who have been joining virtually from a distance who will not be able to join us in the same way in-person, and others who do not yet feel comfortable or ready to join in this large group setting indoors. 

As we journey through this transition, we desire to continue to provide ways for those who are not yet ready or able to join in person during this time to feel connected to our community. Over the next little while we will be experimenting with virtual options and will be seeking feedback from the community as we move forward. Below is our plan for the month of May. 

Please do reach out if there are ways that you feel you can help provide these spaces (hosting zoom calls etc) for our community as we continue to navigate the reality of the pandemic and its ongoing impact. We look forward to engaging with the community in any of these in-person (indoor and outdoor) and virtual spaces!  


Date Virtual Options In-person Options
Sunday May 1st

Pre-recorded sermon posted on YouTube at 9am (available anytime after that to watch)


Zoom Discussion Call at 11am

In-person worship service with kids’ programming and nursery staffed during the sermon/discussion time


In-person discussion after the service in the gym

Sunday May 8th

Pre-recorded sermon posted on YouTube at 9am (available anytime after that to watch)


Zoom Discussion Call at 11am

In-person worship service with kids’ programming and nursery staffed during the sermon/discussion time


In-person discussion after the service in the gym

Sunday May 15th Our Mission Team will be inviting the community to join in a variety of service and learning initiatives around the city as a way of actively living out our worship. There will be both virtual and in-person opportunities provided. More info soon!
Sunday May 22nd We will be joining outside at 22 Willow for a “bring your own picnic” brunch. We will have a chance to reflect about our experiences and learning from the Mission service on May 15th, and will also share in communion together. 
Sunday May 29th

Pre-recorded sermon posted on YouTube at 9am (available anytime after that to watch)


Zoom Discussion Call at 11am

In-person worship service with kids’ programming and nursery staffed during the sermon/discussion time


In-person discussion after the service in the gym


Other virtual connection opportunities outside of Sunday mornings include:

  • Sermon audio podcasts
  • Weekly virtual prayer gathering (Mondays at 10am)
  • Accessing pre-recorded musical pieces from the worship team on our YouTube channel through this playlist
  • Midweek short video reflections from our teaching team sent out to the community each week


A Few Notes About Our In-Person Services:


COVID Protocols:

Many of the provincial and regional COVID protocols and guidelines have been lifted, as well as Trillium’s policies around these restrictions. In following these guidelines, we will be moving forward with these practices in place:


  1. Masks
    Although masks are no longer mandatory indoors, we continue to encourage the wearing of masks during this time. We want to create an environment that feels as safe and comfortable as possible for everyone as we navigate this transition. We encourage those 5 and older to continue to wear masks indoors. Thank you!
  2. Screening and Registration
    There will be no mandatory registration or screening process at the door. However, we would ask as we move forward with in-person gatherings, that we all monitor our own health and opt to stay home if we are showing COVID symptoms, in order to protect those who may be more vulnerable among us. If you ever have questions around whether or not you should join in person, please refer to the Ontario School Screening tool to guide your decision.
  3. Sanitizing
    We will continue to have sanitizing stations around the building and encourage community members to sanitize their hands upon entry of the building.
    Sanitizing wipes will also be available in the washrooms for those who would like to wipe down surfaces before or after using the space.
  4. Vaccination Requirement
    Both Trillium and the provincial/regional guidelines have lifted the requirement for vaccination. Therefore, we will not be requiring proof of vaccination to enter or participate in our gatherings.
  5. Capacity Limits and Distancing
    The capacity limits and distancing requirements have also been lifted. At this point we are not required to rope off pews to provide for distancing. However, knowing that some of our community members would continue to feel more comfortable maintaining distance, we will have a section of the Sanctuary where the pews will be roped off to allow for distancing.

*Please note that these practices are based on the current provincial and regional guidelines, and are subject to change should those guidelines shift again in the coming weeks or months. 


Kids’ Programming:


We know that KidsQuest is an important part of our return to in-person gathering at 22 Willow. Beginning Sunday May 1st, our kids programming will be in full swing! We’ll be dismissing our kids (up to grade 5) to their KidsQuest program in the second half of the service and parents can pick them up at the end of discussion groups. The nursery will also be open and staffed during this time. We are continuing to encourage our kids (5+) to wear masks indoors during the KidsQuest programming, especially as it will be difficult to ensure physical distancing in these spaces. Parents, although a formal COVID screening will not happen for KidsQuest, we ask you to monitor your children for any symptoms of covid-19 and thank you for keeping them out of programming if they are showing symptoms. We look forward to connecting with some of our youngest Elevation members again!

Holy Week 2022

Holy Week 2022

  • Palm Sunday (April 10th) – Our virtual service will take place on YouTube at 10am, with a zoom discussion call following at 11am. In-person option to view the virtual service together in the Sanctuary at 22 Willow at 9am, with discussion to follow in the gym.  
  • Stations of the Cross will take on a similar form to last year, with an outdoor art installation along the Spur Line Trail adjacent to 22 Willow.  We invite you to come and walk the stations and view Scott Erickson’s depiction of the events leading up to Easter Sunday. (Beginning on Palm Sunday, weather permitting).  Read our message to the community regarding these stations here.
    • For further reflection or to access these stations virtually, you can find a video companion to the stations on our YouTube channel or below: 

  • Good Friday (April 15th) – We will be posting our virtual Good Friday service on YouTube at 9am on Good Friday, as well as a written liturgy for families with children to read through together. The virtual service will be available throughout the day for individuals and families to take an hour to watch the service from their homes at whatever time works best with their schedules. For anyone who would like to join in-person, we will also be showing the service in the Sanctuary at 22 Willow on Good Friday at 4pm. Please note that we will be sharing in Communion together during this service, so please have elements on hand if you will be joining the service from your home (elements will be provided if you are joining in-person at 22 Willow).
    • Please note that Trillium will be displaying the art of Mary Button outside at 22 Willow on Good Friday from 9am-4pm. If you are planning on coming to the in-person viewing of the service at 4pm, you may wish to come early to walk the Stations along the Spur Line Trail and then also take in some of the art display on the property at 22 Willow.
  • Easter Sunday (April 17th) – A morning of celebration! Our virtual service will take place on YouTube at 9am (note the time change). Our in-person service (with both live and recorded elements) will begin in the Sanctuary at 22 Willow at 9am. Following the service, we will join together for a time of refreshments and connection in the courtyard and garden area behind 22 Willow. Whether you join virtually or in-person for the service, you are welcome to join for this time of connection outdoors (weather permitting) anytime between 10am and 11:30am.
December 5, 2021: S.C. Announcement

December 5, 2021: S.C. Announcement

An update from our Steering Committee regarding nominations and searching for new committee members; news about searching for an interim pastor as well as plans for forming a temporary Theological Discernment & Ministry team.