Kids and Youth at Elevation

Our young people are a very important part of our community! We have a few ways that we engage with our kids and youth to support their spiritual growth and faith journeys. If you have questions or would like more information, please reach out to our kids or youth directors!

Ways to Engage on Sunday Mornings

We’re excited to have kids join us! Our church is a place for families, and we have special programs and activities to engage and inspire children of all ages.


On Sunday mornings, a team of volunteers is excited to greet our youngest members to the nursery. The nursery is staffed from 9:30am-10:30am for kids up to Preschool age. 


    We invite kids from Jr Kindergarten to Grade Five to join us on Sunday mornings for our KidsQuest program! Kids will be dismissed from the service around 9:30am and will head to their classrooms. We currently have three classrooms available: JK to Grade 1, Grades 2 & 3, and Grades 4 & 5.

    All children must be checked in using the iPads in the foyer prior to class. We encourage parents to download and use the Church Center app to pre-check their children before arriving at church, for faster printing of name tags and security tags upon arrival. All parents must show their matching security tag when picking up their children after discussion groups finish at 10:30.


    We have dedicated spaces for our youth to allow for a safe and inclusive place to work through discussions.
    Sunday VBS - 2024

    Ways to Engage Throughout the Week


    Our weekly youth program is on Thursday evenings at 7pm. Head over to our Instagram Page for more up to date information, or send us a message via the form below! Our Junior Youth is open to youth in Grade 6 and 8, with our Senior Youth between Grade 9 and 12.

    Contact our Kids or Youth Team

    Which team are you contacting today?