- Palm Sunday (April 10th) – Our virtual service will take place on YouTube at 10am, with a zoom discussion call following at 11am. In-person option to view the virtual service together in the Sanctuary at 22 Willow at 9am, with discussion to follow in the gym.
- Stations of the Cross will take on a similar form to last year, with an outdoor art installation along the Spur Line Trail adjacent to 22 Willow. We invite you to come and walk the stations and view Scott Erickson’s depiction of the events leading up to Easter Sunday. (Beginning on Palm Sunday, weather permitting). Read our message to the community regarding these stations here.
- For further reflection or to access these stations virtually, you can find a video companion to the stations on our YouTube channel or below:
- Good Friday (April 15th) – We will be posting our virtual Good Friday service on YouTube at 9am on Good Friday, as well as a written liturgy for families with children to read through together. The virtual service will be available throughout the day for individuals and families to take an hour to watch the service from their homes at whatever time works best with their schedules. For anyone who would like to join in-person, we will also be showing the service in the Sanctuary at 22 Willow on Good Friday at 4pm. Please note that we will be sharing in Communion together during this service, so please have elements on hand if you will be joining the service from your home (elements will be provided if you are joining in-person at 22 Willow).
- Please note that Trillium will be displaying the art of Mary Button outside at 22 Willow on Good Friday from 9am-4pm. If you are planning on coming to the in-person viewing of the service at 4pm, you may wish to come early to walk the Stations along the Spur Line Trail and then also take in some of the art display on the property at 22 Willow.
- Easter Sunday (April 17th) – A morning of celebration! Our virtual service will take place on YouTube at 9am (note the time change). Our in-person service (with both live and recorded elements) will begin in the Sanctuary at 22 Willow at 9am. Following the service, we will join together for a time of refreshments and connection in the courtyard and garden area behind 22 Willow. Whether you join virtually or in-person for the service, you are welcome to join for this time of connection outdoors (weather permitting) anytime between 10am and 11:30am.