Ride With Us!

Ride With Us!

We’re participating in the Ride for Refuge on Saturday, September 23.

If you’d like to join our team of walkers or riders you can register here.

If you’re not participating in the Ride, we’d love for you to join us in the Courtyard at 11:30 to cheer on the finishers and enjoy a light lunch with us. You can register your attendance at our lunch here.

Please note, if you are participating in the ride you do NOT need to register for lunch!


RFR2023 Cheer Team
RFR 2023 Poster
COVID Protocols – Fall 2022

COVID Protocols – Fall 2022

Updated: September 15, 2022


COVID Protocols:

Many of the provincial and regional COVID protocols and guidelines have been lifted, as well as Trillium’s policies around these restrictions. As the Elevation community, we are striving to create a safe and welcoming environment for all. The following guidelines articulate how we will move forward together:


  1. Stay Home When Sick
    The best way to keep others in our community safe is by staying home if you have symptoms or are ill. We ask that we all monitor our own health and opt to stay home if we are showing COVID symptoms, in order to protect those who may be more vulnerable among us. If you ever have questions around whether or not you should join in person, please refer to the Ontario School Screening Tool to guide your decision. If you are signed up to serve, let your team lead or a member of the Pastoral Team know as soon as you can so they can find someone else to serve and you can stay home.
  2. Masks
    Masks are no longer mandatory indoors. We want to cultivate a mask-friendly environment, and we ask everyone to respect each other’s decisions, comfort levels, and health needs. When physical distance is not available and especially in shared indoor spaces, you may want to wear a well-fitting mask. We will continue to provide surgical masks at each of our entrances.
  3. Sanitizing
    We will continue to have sanitizing stations around the building and encourage community members to sanitize their hands upon entry of the building. Sanitizing wipes will also be available in the washrooms for those who would like to wipe down surfaces before or after using the space.
  4. Creative Solutions
    We have utilized some creative solutions in the past and we continue to welcome creative ideas. This has included roping off a section of pews for those wanting more physical distance or making balcony space available. If you have an idea, let us know.
  5. Screening and Registration
    There will be no mandatory registration or screening process at the door.
  6. Vaccination Requirement
    Both Trillium and the provincial/regional guidelines have lifted the requirement for vaccination. Therefore, we will not be requiring proof of vaccination to enter or participate in our gatherings.
  7. Capacity Limits and Distancing
    The capacity limits and distancing requirements have also been lifted. 

* Please note that these practices are based on the current provincial and regional guidelines, and are subject to change should those guidelines shift again in the coming weeks or months. 

Ride With Us!

Ride With Us!

The Ride for Refuge is happening on October 1, 2022, starting at 3pm!
We’d love you to join Elevation in biking or walking, and raising funds to support many great organizations across our region, as well as the work of our Journey Team.
To sign up to ride with us, simply go here!